Tag: foxdot

  • Tutorial – Write your own FoxDot custom function with Python.

    Tutorial – Write your own FoxDot custom function with Python.

    Write your own custom FoxDot function with Python. We have already seen how to customize Foxdot with its own samples, synth and fx. In this tutorial we will focus on creating functions using Python. We will not go back over the basics of this language but rather we will see how to use functions already…

  • Ultimate FoxDot python custom functions

    Ultimate FoxDot python custom functions

    Ultimate Crash Server FoxDot python custom functions Find here some python functions, sometimes useful, to boost Foxdot. You can also see our tutorial on how to create new Foxdot function. loop pattern generator global functions random generator pattern methods @@@ Loop Pattern Generator @@@ >> PBin(number) @loop_pattern_method def PBin(number): “”” convert a number to a…

  • Jam Session with our new UI

    Jam Session with our new UI

    This is a CrashServer livecoding jam with Foxdot and Supercollider for the sound, Troop for playing together. The interface crashOS is made with openFrameworks, and displays the code and CPU load, play homemade videos, shows a webcam, triggers DMX lights and other fun stuff. BITTE ACHT BITS II @ Diamant d’or – Strasbourg (67) –…

  • Algorave and workshop @Tübingen (Germany) – 23 july 2022

    Algorave and workshop @Tübingen (Germany) – 23 july 2022

    Algorave and Workshop @Tübingen – 23 July 2022 We had the pleasure of being invited by the [Ki Makerspace] of Tübingen to animate a workshop on musical livecoding during the day and to play in the evening at the Algorave party. Let’s hop once again in the a Deutsche Bahn’s train on a hot summer…



    MAY / JUIN REPORT Golden diamonds are forever : june was an intense sessions of coding of our new “os”. more on that bellow. Otherwise we did some gigs, at the the [Mediathèque in Vendenheim]  and at the Diamant d’or and a nice streaming session with Kitty Clock & My Machine Pal for our one…

  • REISUB anniversay featuring KITTY CLOCK & MY PAL MACHINE

    REISUB anniversay featuring KITTY CLOCK & MY PAL MACHINE

    ONE YEAR REISUB ANNIVERSARY STREAMING One year since the release of [REISUB]. An experimental first album we are ready to celebrate with our FoxDot Friends, stream this Saturday night with good, dare i say exceptional live coding friends. It’s all happening live in our Hub & youtube at 19:00 GTM+1 Featuring : — My machine…



    WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE COMING OF OUR FIRST ALBUM “REISUB”. bE SURE TO TUNE IN FOR MORE INFO SOON ! Opening Hubs Live Streaming @ Crash Hubs – 16 apr 2020 Opening Hubs @ Crash HUBS – LiveStreaming A live coding… Read More UPCOMING ALBUM “REISUB” WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE COMING…

  • Tutorial – How to customize Foxdot with your own Synths, effects, functions and samples.

    Tutorial – How to customize Foxdot with your own Synths, effects, functions and samples.

    How to customize Foxdot with your own Synths, effects, functions and samples. One of FoxDot greatest strength is that you can easily add new functions and new sounds (synths, effects, samples). In this article, we will cover a way to achieve that – it might not be the best but it works for us. This is…