Algorave and Workshop @Tübingen – 23 July 2022

We had the pleasure of being invited by the [Ki Makerspace] of Tübingen to animate a workshop on musical livecoding during the day and to play in the evening at the Algorave party. Let’s hop once again in the a Deutsche Bahn’s train on a hot summer day !

note : all pictures inserted here are the work of Gottschalk, thanks a lot for his work ! 

The Workshop

About fifteen people came to attend this workshop on musical composition using code, different profiles but overall quite knowledgeable on python and programming and some even on music theory. It was in a well-equipped room of the KI Makerspace, a sort of heaven for hacking-minded people.
A few words about this hackerspace, it really seems like a incredible place. Their main goal, from what we’ve gathered, is to give the adequate tools to kids and teens to gain control over technology and hacking in a very large sense. Media rooms, arduinos all over the place, power tools, solder irons, AI based interactive screens and even some more low-tech stuff that we loved like film photography or sewing hardware. It’s all quite recent but already quite set up ! We hope to see more from this unique place.

But let’s get to the core of the subject. After setting up our workshop we had the task of introducing the participants to the joys of live coding with FoxDot. The staff was really helpful in setting everything up. We were pleasantly surprised by the ease with which people took ownership of the software – it has probably something to do with the huge university surrounding the city ! After a first hour of setting up the software on varied configuration (win, mac, linux, all in different flavours, some even had their custom distribs, not updated since 2016… Well we like a challenge :). But soon the first beeps and booms we being heard through speakers or headphones. 

After four hours of passing on our knowledge and sometimes being asked unusual questions with really specific approaches, the joy of workshops, we had the pleasure of hearing the first creations of our group, therefore, it was with confidence that we invited them to play in the evening in front of an audience at the opening of the Algorave.

The whole team 🙂 // Participants, organisation / bands

The Algorave

After a short break, we were heading to the concert hall. The Algorave party took place in the bar/disco [Schlachthaus].
Quite a nice venue, well equipped, cool staff, amazing location.
We open the dancefloor with the restitution of the students of the workshop which amazingly had the courage to step on stage and play live ! Well done to them, we were quite shaken by the confidence of all artists to perform, play with the codes and rules they learnt just a few hours earlier ! 
After that we opened the next part of the evening with our live set [Crash Server (Strasbourg, Fr)] and then had the pleasure of being introduced to pRovInzhOrsT (Karlsruhe, De) and Jia Liu (Karlsruhe, De). From foxDot to Tidal and Supercollider, quite a diverse live coding evening 🙂 ! 

After a long day and a few more-than-welcomed beers, we ended the evening chatting and dancing with our new friends from TOPLAP Karlsruhe ! Tübingen, we hope to see you soon ! 

A shot of live session using OpenFrameworks for visuals & Foxdot for sounds

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