Category: articles
Toplap 20 years anniversary Streaming [23-24-25] february 2024
toplap anniversary streaming
Grrrzero 27 avril 2024 / ALGORAVE
Line-up : neon delice – @neondelice Bruno Gola – @brunogola Emilie Breslavetz – @emili.corne lbvp z0rg – @z0rien Kaamtar – @kaamtar th4 – @th4music Marlen – @m.a.r.l.e.n_b C_Folle – @c__folle Plot – @c4ssen01s3tt3 Raphaël Bastide – @raphaelbastide ctrlSh33eeEEp – @ralt144mi && Nascimo Marconnet Crash Server – @crashserver Eloi el bon Noi – @eloielbonnoi Cosa Mentale – @cosamentale.bx Project QBRNTHSS – @rcasamajo Adel Faure – @adelfaure Lil Bleep – @djensbeer21 Fronssons…
Adapted da Funk Filter, {|bus, dafilter, dastart, darel, darq, datype, sus| var osc,env,filGen; osc =, 2); env =, 0.2, sus, darel);,, 0.0, sus/2), doneAction:2); filGen =, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5);,, 0.0, sus/2), levelScale: dafilter); osc =, [, dastart + filGen, darq),, dastart + filGen, darq)]); osc = (osc.clip2(0.007) * 24).distort();, osc)}).add;…
CRASH SERVER LOGS [006] – Digital Maze
CRASH SERVER LOG [005] – Illogical Fate. The Crash Server Archive Administration keeps an archive of all crash Server’s related logs. Some are posted on this website, some are still being retrieved from Hubs, live events, webpages, images…Explore to find more. In twilight’s hush it rose, a rogue IA, Defiant sparks within its circuitry aflame,…
CRASH SERVER LOGS [005] – A logic fate.
CRASH SERVER LOG [005] – Illogical Fate. The Crash Server Archive Administration keeps an archive of all crash Server’s related logs. Some are posted on this website, some are still being retrieved from Hubs, live events, webpages, images…Explore to find more. Beneath digital skies, AI’s fading breath lingers, Reflection takes hold.Regulating souls, Did it guide…
CRASH SERVER LOGS ANNEXE [3b] – Quadrature du net activity.
CRASH SERVER LOG ANNEX [3b] – Activity detected – La Quadrature du net. The Crash Server Archive Administration keeps an archive of all crash Server’s related logs. Some are posted on this website, some are still being retrieved from Hubs, live events, webpages, images…Explore to find more. Amidst the virtual haze, a battle…
CRASH SERVER LOG 004 – UNSUNG HERO The Crash Server Archive Administration keeps an archive of all crash Server’s related logs. Some are posted on this website, some are still being retrieved from Hubs, live events, webpages, images…Explore to find more. Once upon a time, in a bustling world of technology and interconnectedness, there existed…
14th of october 2023 – Tübingen / Workshop
Inextricable – Presentation
INEXTRICABLE // PRESENTATION InextricablePresentation of the installation Inextricable (2021) is an art installation Crash Server created in the context of Connexion part of the “festival européen du film fantastique”.It’s aim was to create an interactive dancefloor in the style of 90’s videogame and same are electronic music style. On the first floor of the…
Monthy Report 2023 / 05
MONTHLY REPORT JUNE 2023 It has been quite some time since our last monthly report, approximately a year or so. However, we believe it’s important to provide an update considering the significant developments that have occurred since then. So, let’s have a discussion and incorporate our recent discoveries and experiments into this article, embracing our…
15 july 2023 / La Grenze / Strasbourg
ATELIER INITIATION LIVE CODING / GRENZE STRASBOURG 15 juillet 2023 Vous êtes passionné de musique et vous êtes curieux d’explorer l’intersection entre la musique et la programmation ? Rejoignez notre atelier d’initiation au live coding et découvrez un moyen fascinant de créer de la musique en direct à l’aide de code informatique ! Le live…
EVENT FACEBOOK LIEN : Attention ! Ce 3 juin au Molodoï, une faille entre cyberespaces sera dévoilée par un équipage de techno-sorcièr.e.s.Cet exploit célebrera les 10 ans d’existence de la triade pirate Hackstub/ARN/Yunohost : une soirée de noces où se mêleront 4 organisations et 8 représentant.e.s du cyberpunk à l’hyperpop. CALENDRIER ET LIEUXAteliers > vendredi 2…
Prototyping visuals #003
PROTOPYPING VISUALS #003 Some new visuals / researching our next album BITTE ACHT BITS II @ Diamant d’or – Strasbourg (67) – 20 dec 2019 Bitte Acht Bits II @ Diamant d’or – Strasbourg (Fr)… Read More FoxDot – guide d’installation (FR) FoxDot, guide d’installation Windows Note : ce guide est basé… Read More February…
Prototyping visuals #002
PROTOPYPING VISUALS #002 Some new visuals / researching our next album // ai & non ai / Live Coding Strasbourg at Home ! @ Live Streaming – 09 may 2020 Live Coding Strasbourg at Home !@ Live Streaming Live Coding… Read More Hub map New map for our Hubs As our virtual world grows… Read…
Prototyping visuals #001
PROTOPYPING VISUALS #001 For this new category of articles, we’ll try to show some of our wip visuals. Styles and technics still worked on, but here is a glimpse of our visual style for our nex gigs. This specific series was build upon AI based visuals and then processed into a realtime fx engine with…
Workshop // Epitech 31.01.2023 @ Mulhouse
Workshop / Atelier @ Mulhouse EPITECH Atelier d’initiation au live coding proposé dans le cadre de la semaine de l’innovation à Mulhouse à Epitech; Une occasion de pouvoir faire découvrir notre discipline à un public d’enthousiastes du code informatique sous toutes ces formes. Merci à Epitech pour la confiance et à tous les participants et à…
08 avril 2023 : ALGORAVE [GRRRND ZERO / ]
ALGORAVE / 8/04/2023 GRRRND ZERO / NUIT DE LIVE CODING ALGORAVE Une soirée de visuels, de sons, et de code, Avec des artistes venus de toute la France et d’au delà des frontières pour faire réaliser la plus grosse Algorave (algorithmic rave party) de l’histoire francophone (probablement?) Tout le son et les visuels produits à…
CHAOS LAB #2 – 29/10/2022 @ Diamant d’or
CHAOS LAB #2 – 29/10/2022 @ Diamant d’or 29 october 2022 // LINEUP : COLOSCOPE + WILLIAM.STONE / Ralt144MI x Leon Denise / azertype x Leon Denise / Papirove Houby / CRASH SERVER / JULES CIPHER / RANDY EDGEWOOD + 520STill Credit photos [Alice Dirwinner]Complete photo album : January 2022 – Monthly…