Category: foxdot
Adapted da Funk Filter, {|bus, dafilter, dastart, darel, darq, datype, sus| var osc,env,filGen; osc =, 2); env =, 0.2, sus, darel);,, 0.0, sus/2), doneAction:2); filGen =, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5);,, 0.0, sus/2), levelScale: dafilter); osc =, [, dastart + filGen, darq),, dastart + filGen, darq)]); osc = (osc.clip2(0.007) * 24).distort();, osc)}).add;…
Tutorial – Write your own FoxDot custom function with Python.
Write your own custom FoxDot function with Python. We have already seen how to customize Foxdot with its own samples, synth and fx. In this tutorial we will focus on creating functions using Python. We will not go back over the basics of this language but rather we will see how to use functions already…
Ultimate FoxDot python custom functions
Ultimate Crash Server FoxDot python custom functions Find here some python functions, sometimes useful, to boost Foxdot. You can also see our tutorial on how to create new Foxdot function. loop pattern generator global functions random generator pattern methods @@@ Loop Pattern Generator @@@ >> PBin(number) @loop_pattern_method def PBin(number): “”” convert a number to a…
FoxDot Tutorial – Print the Code in a retro CRT terminal.
FoxDot & Troop tutorial – How to print the code in a distant terminal While preparing our lastest stream, we encountered the following problem. We each have a laptop with Linux + Troop + Foxdot for our live stream and a Windows PC dedicated only to OBS streaming (with several webcams, overlay and Foxdot /…
FoxDot – guide d’installation (FR)
FoxDot, guide d’installation Windows Note : ce guide est basé en partie sur le guide d’installation officiel anglais de FoxDot [] mais avec quelques spécificités pour windows. Voici un guide d’installation pour commencer à live coder avec FoxDot. Il vous faudra trois éléments avant de pouvoir utiliser FoxDot. python supercollider git Python Python est un…
Tutorial : How to connect external fx pedals in with FoxDot
Tutorial: How to connect external fx pedals with FoxDot In this tutorial, we gonna show you how to use a guitar pedal as an fx in FoxDot. What we need: a sound card with 2 Stereo Output (2*2), in our case we use a Scarlett 2i4 some guitar fx pedals, for this example a MetalMuff distortion…
Tutorial – How to record FoxDot multi outputs in a DAW.
Tutorial : How to record FoxDot multi outputs in a DAW. When we started recording our album REISUB, we thought it might be a good idea to be able to record each FoxDot player on a separate track. This tutorial will show you how to do this with our hardware and software configuration, hoping that…
Tutorial – How to customize Foxdot with your own Synths, effects, functions and samples.
How to customize Foxdot with your own Synths, effects, functions and samples. One of FoxDot greatest strength is that you can easily add new functions and new sounds (synths, effects, samples). In this article, we will cover a way to achieve that – it might not be the best but it works for us. This is…