wireframe 3d room

Ultimate FoxDot python custom functions

Ultimate Crash Server FoxDot python custom functions

Find here some python functions, sometimes useful, to boost Foxdot. You can also see our tutorial on how to create new Foxdot function.

@@@ Loop Pattern Generator @@@

>> PBin(number)

def PBin(number):
    """ convert a number to a binary list Pattern """
    return [int(i) for i in str(bin(number)[2:])]
example :
d1 >> play("x", amp=PBin(21456))

>> PTime()

def PTime():
    """ Generate a pattern from the local machine time """
    return [int(t) for t in str(Clock.get_time_at_beat(int(Clock.now()))) if t != '.']
example :
b1 >> blip(PTime(), dur=1/2)

>> PTimebin()

def PTimebin():
    """ Generate a pattern of actual time converted to binary """
    return PBin(int(Clock.get_time_at_beat(int(Clock.now()))))
example :
b1 >> blip(PTime(), dur=1/4, amp=PTimebin())

@@@ Global Functions @@@

>> lininf(start, finish, duration)

def lininf(start=0, finish=1, time=32):
    ''' linvar from start to finish but stay at finish after time '''
    return linvar([start,finish],[time,inf], start=now)
def expinf(start=0, finish=1, time=32):
    ''' expvar from start to finish but stay at finish after time '''
    return expvar([start,finish],[time,inf], start=now)
example :
b1 >> blip(lininf(0,7,32), dur=1/2, amp=lininf())
Clock.bpm = expinf(42,220,32)

>> linbpm(targetBpm, duration)

def linbpm(endBpm=170, durBpm=128):
    ''' use with Clock.bpm = linbpm(220, 12) to change from current bpm to target bpm in x beats'''
    Clock.bpm = linvar([Clock.bpm,endBpm],[durBpm,inf], start=now)
example :
Clock.bpm = linbpm(220,32)

>> masterAll(args, value)

def masterAll(args = "dur", value=1):
	""" change all active players args, restore with all previous value """
	global valueDict
	if args != "reset":
		for p in Clock.playing:
			if p in valueDict:
				if args in valueDict[p]:
						valueDict[p][args] = p.__getitem__(args)
						valueDict[p][args] = 0
				valueDict[p] = {}
					valueDict[p][args] = p.__getitem__(args)
					valueDict[p][args] = 0
			p.__setattr__(args, value)
		for k,v in valueDict.items():
			for l, w in v.items():
					k.__setattr__(l, w)
		valueDict = {}
example :
d1 >> play("x-", dur=PDur(5,8))
b2 >> blip([0,2,4,2] , dur=PDur(3,8))
masterAll("dur", 1)  ## set all dur to 1
masterAll("reset")  ## reset to previous values

@@@ Random Generator @@@

>> PGauss(mean, deviation)

class PGauss(RandomGenerator):
	''' Returns random floating point values using Gaussian distribution '''
	def __init__(self, mean=0, deviation=1, **kwargs):
		RandomGenerator.__init__(self, **kwargs)
		self.args = (mean, deviation)
		self.mean = mean
		self.deviation = deviation
	def func(self, index):
		if isinstance(self.mean, float):
			return gauss(self.mean, self.deviation)
		elif isinstance(self.mean, int):
			return int(round(gauss(self.mean, self.deviation)))
example :
b2 >> dbass(PGauss(0,2), dur=PDur(5,8))

>> PCoin(low, high, proba)

class PCoin(RandomGenerator):
	''' Choose between 2 values with probability, eg : PCoin(0.25,2,0.2)'''
	def __init__(self, low=0, high=1, proba=0.5, **kwargs):
		RandomGenerator.__init__(self, **kwargs)
		self.low = low
		self.high = high
		self.proba = proba
	def func(self, index):
		return choices([self.low, self.high], [1-self.proba, self.proba])[0]
example :
b2 >> dbass(PGauss(0,2), dur=PDur(5,8), amp=PCoin(0,1,0.8))

>> PChar(case, alpha)

class PChar(RandomGenerator):
	''' Generate characters randomly, PChar(case, alpha)
	case = 0 , only lowercase
	case = 1 , only uppercase
	case = 2 , lower case and uppercase
	alpha = 0, only alpha
	alpha = 1, only nonalpha
	alpha = 2, alpha + nonalpha'''
	def __init__(self, case=2, alpha=2, **kwargs):
		RandomGenerator.__init__(self, **kwargs)
		self.case = case
		self.alpha = alpha
	def func(self, index):
		if self.alpha == 0:
			charList = alpha
		elif self.alpha == 1:
			charList = ''.join([x for x in nonalpha.keys()])
			charList = ''.join([x for x in nonalpha.keys()]) + alpha
		if self.case == 0:
			char = choice(charList)
		elif self.case == 1:
			char = choice(charList).upper()
			char = choice([choice(charList), choice(charList).upper()])
		return char
example :
d2 >> play(PChar(2,2), dur=PDur(3,8))

@@@ Pattern Method @@@

>> norm(mult) // mod

def norm(self, mult=1):
    """ Returns the pattern with all values between 0 and 1*mult """
    pos = self - min(self)
    return (pos / max(pos))*mult
example :
print(P[0,2,4,3].norm(2)) -> P[0,1,2,1.5]

>> clamp(min, max)

def clamp(self, mini, maxi):
    """ Returns the pattern with all values clamped to min - max"""
    return self.transform(lambda n: max( min(maxi, n), mini))
example :
print(P[0,2,4,6,8,10,125].clamp(5,10)) -> P[5, 5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 10]

>> lmap(min, max)

def lmap(self, oMin, oMax):
    """ Retruns the pattern mapped to min and max values """
    return ((self - min(self)) / (max(self)-min(self)) * (oMax - oMin) + oMin)
example :
print(P[0,2,4,6,8].lmap(200,8000)) -> P[200, 2150, 4100, 6050, 8000]

>> add(num)

def add(self, value):
    ''' pattern method add, so you can use with <sometimes>'''
    return self + value
example :
b1 >> blip([0,2,4,2], dur=1/2).sometimes("add", 2)

>> rnd(number)

For this method, you need to edit the FoxDotlibPatternsMain.py file and add at the end of the GeneratorPattern class

def rnd(self, base=2):
    """ Round up the generator random value to nearest base value"""
    return self.transform(lambda value: round(base * round(float(value) / base),3))
example :
print(PWhite(0,1).rnd(0.25)[:8]) -> P[0.5, 0.0, 0.75, 0.25, 0.75, 0.5, 0.75, 0.5]
d1 >> play("x", dur=PWhite(0,0.9).rnd(0.25) + 0.25)

@@@ Player Method @@@

>> gtr(strings)

def gtr(self, strings=1):
    ''' for guitar players, play notes like tabs'''
    self.root = Pattern(strings).submap({0:-10, 1:-8, 2:-3, 3:2, 4:7, 5:11, 6:16})
    self.scale = Scale.chromatic
    return self
example :
g1 >> dbass(P[7,7,10,7,5,[3,P+[3,5,3]],2], dur=P[1.5,0.5,0.75,0.75,0.5,2,2]).gtr(2) ## the 2nd string A