Tag: livecoding

  • 22th november 2023 – CHAOS LAB V @ Perestroïka / Strasbourg

    22th november 2023 – CHAOS LAB V @ Perestroïka / Strasbourg

    22 th of november 2023 Chaos Lab V More info to come ! Special guest from Lyon / RALt 411CRASH SERVERCOLOSCOPERANDY EDGEWOOD @ PERESTROIKA / STRASBOURG / 2, rue Tiergarten La Chaouée 10.12.2022 @ Metz 10.12.2022 @ METZ / LA CHAOUEE Lien facebook de l’évènement… Read More Labo du Beat @ Graffalgar, Strasbourg (67) – 20…

  • 17th november 2023 – Molodoi Strasbourg /collectif Ultratech

    17th november 2023 – Molodoi Strasbourg /collectif Ultratech

    17Th of november 2023 /Strasbourg/- Molodoi collectif Ultratech LANGE NACHT // KUNSTMUSEUM / STUTTGART 25/03/2023 25th of March 2023 @ Kunstmuseum @ Stuttgart Stuttgart### six… Read More 29 APRIL 2023 / UTR LOCAL HEROES UTR LOCAL HEROES 29/04/2023 More info coming soon LINE UP… Read More January 2022 – Monthly report ! JANUARY 2022 –…

  • 11th november 2023 – Concert secret place / Strasbourg

    11th november 2023 – Concert secret place / Strasbourg

    11th of november 2023 En marche vers l’effondrement 𝐄N 𝐌A𝐑CH𝐄 V𝐄𝐑𝐒 L’𝐄FF𝐎ND𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄NT!Ce 11 Novembre, jour de l’Armistice, sa $ainteté le 𝐏𝐀𝐏’40 de l’€glise de la très $ainte consommation descendra en paix des grattes ciels de Dubaï, pour faire les poches auprès de la plèbe Strasbourgeoise dans une des maisons au nom le plus “olé olé”…

  • SXB #3 / 10/11/2023 / Kollectiv Wolfgang

    SXB #3 / 10/11/2023 / Kollectiv Wolfgang

    10th of november 2023 : Kollectiv Wolfgang LIEN FACEBOOK DE l’EVENT : https://www.facebook.com/events/1383670669173969   CRASH SERVER LOGS [004] – UNSUNG HERO CRASH SERVER LOG 004 – UNSUNG HERO The Crash Server… Read More CRASH SERVER LOGS [005] – A logic fate. CRASH SERVER LOG [005] – Illogical Fate. The Crash Server… Read More Tutorial – Write…



    4th of november 2023 [CHAOS LAB #4] / ULTRATECH Le collectif Ultratech présente la quatrième édition du Chaos Lab, un espace dédié aux expérimentations sonores et visuelles en tous genres ! On est de retour au carbon à haute pression ! Avec un guest d’honneur en provenance de Dijon, les amis de France Travail>>> Lineuples…

  • Chaos LAB #3 / 23/03/2023 / LE LOCAL  / STRASBOURG

    Chaos LAB #3 / 23/03/2023 / LE LOCAL / STRASBOURG

    23rd of march 2023 [CHAOS LAB #3] / ULTRATECH All photos showned here come from GUILLAUME “NOCTO”, thanks ! The third edition of the Chaos LAB event happened at LE LOCAL in Strasbourg. The line up is consistent with a live music and visual approach that makes the dna of the CHAOS LABs. LINE UP…



    UTR LOCAL HEROES 29/04/2023 More info coming soon LINE UP (in progress) SHONAGON CRASH SERVER VERTEBRAL CINDER VULEZ & YOUN Halloween Days @ A Maze In – Strasbourg – 31 10 2019 Halloween Days @ A Maze In – Strasbourg (Fr) Live… Read More BITTE ACHT BITS II @ Diamant d’or – Strasbourg (67) –…



    UN SINGE EN HIVER / DIJON / 07 APRIL 2023 More info coming soon 21H au “SINGE EN HIVER”, FRANCE TRAVAIL (DIJON) + CRASH SERVER (SXB) le 7 Avril 2023 >> EXTRAIT VIDEO CI DESSOUS Prototyping visuals #002 PROTOPYPING VISUALS #002 Some new visuals / researching our next… Read More CHAOS LAB #2 – 29/10/2022 @…

  • Workshop // Epitech 31.01.2023 @ Mulhouse

    Workshop // Epitech 31.01.2023 @ Mulhouse

    Workshop / Atelier @ Mulhouse EPITECH Atelier d’initiation au live coding proposé dans le cadre de la semaine de l’innovation à Mulhouse à Epitech; Une occasion de pouvoir faire découvrir notre discipline à un public d’enthousiastes du code informatique sous toutes ces formes. Merci à Epitech pour la confiance et à tous les participants et à…



    25th of March 2023 @ Kunstmuseum @ Stuttgart Stuttgart### six in one ! The Stuttgart’s Kunstmuseum invited us for the city-wide event of the [Lange Nacht]. Hey, would you be interested in playing six live gigs in one evening ? Yes, sure ! Of course we would. Little did we think at that time of…

  • 08 avril 2023 : ALGORAVE [GRRRND ZERO / ]

    08 avril 2023 : ALGORAVE [GRRRND ZERO / ]

    ALGORAVE / 8/04/2023 GRRRND ZERO / NUIT DE LIVE CODING ALGORAVE Une soirée de visuels, de sons, et de code, Avec des artistes venus de toute la France et d’au delà des frontières pour faire réaliser la plus grosse Algorave (algorithmic rave party) de l’histoire francophone (probablement?) Tout le son et les visuels produits à…

  • Tidal Club Presents Solstice Night Stream [wednesday 21st of december 23:30] UTC

    Tidal Club Presents Solstice Night Stream [wednesday 21st of december 23:30] UTC

    Tidal Club Presents Solstice Night Stream [Wednesday 21st of December 23:20] UTC Unpublished REISUB artworks Unpublished REISUB ARTWORKS (1) Researching artworks for the release  of… Read More Connexion Inauguration @ SHADOK 08 sept 2021 Inauguration Exposition FLOW – Connexions 08 sept 2021 Mimir 10ans… Read More CHAOS LAB #2 – 29/10/2022 @ Diamant d’or CHAOS…

  • La Chaouée 10.12.2022 @ Metz

    La Chaouée 10.12.2022 @ Metz

    10.12.2022 @ METZ / LA CHAOUEE Lien facebook de l’évènement : https://www.facebook.com/events/1226899164708366/ https://crashserver.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/chaouee.mp4 Tutorial – How to customize Foxdot with your own Synths, effects, functions and samples. How to customize Foxdot with your own Synths, effects, functions… Read More REISUB anniversay featuring KITTY CLOCK & MY PAL MACHINE ONE YEAR REISUB ANNIVERSARY STREAMING One year since…

  • CHAOS LAB #2 – 29/10/2022 @ Diamant d’or

    CHAOS LAB #2 – 29/10/2022 @ Diamant d’or

    CHAOS LAB #2 – 29/10/2022 @ Diamant d’or 29 october 2022 // LINEUP : COLOSCOPE + WILLIAM.STONE / Ralt144MI x Leon Denise / azertype x Leon Denise / Papirove Houby / CRASH SERVER / JULES CIPHER / RANDY EDGEWOOD + 520STill   Credit photos [Alice Dirwinner]Complete photo album : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.688878489593646&type=3    January 2022 – Monthly…

  • Tutorial – Write your own FoxDot custom function with Python.

    Tutorial – Write your own FoxDot custom function with Python.

    Write your own custom FoxDot function with Python. We have already seen how to customize Foxdot with its own samples, synth and fx. In this tutorial we will focus on creating functions using Python. We will not go back over the basics of this language but rather we will see how to use functions already…

  • Ultimate FoxDot python custom functions

    Ultimate FoxDot python custom functions

    Ultimate Crash Server FoxDot python custom functions Find here some python functions, sometimes useful, to boost Foxdot. You can also see our tutorial on how to create new Foxdot function. loop pattern generator global functions random generator pattern methods @@@ Loop Pattern Generator @@@ >> PBin(number) @loop_pattern_method def PBin(number): “”” convert a number to a…

  • CHAOS LAB #1 – 29 July 2022 @ Le local (Strasbourg)

    CHAOS LAB #1 – 29 July 2022 @ Le local (Strasbourg)

    CHAOS LAB #1 – 29/07/2022 @ Le Local Comtesse du Ghetto Coloscope Crash Server Randy Edgewood Making of : Photogrammetry video Making of : Photogrammetry video Into The beast Into the… Read More TOPLAP 16 Equinox @ Live Stream – 22 mar 2020 TOPLAP 16 Equinox @ LiveStream Like last year, we participated… Read More…

  • Installation expo Musica del Arte @ Ciarus (Strasbourg)

    Installation expo Musica del Arte @ Ciarus (Strasbourg)

    Exposition Musica dell Arte – 07/07/2022 au 30/09/2022 @ Ciarus (Strasbourg) Audio generative server and AI generated artworks Musica dell arte – Ciarus Musica dell arte – Ciarus Musica dell arte – Ciarus Encore et surtout @ Semencerie Strasbourg (FR) – 15 dec 2018 Encore et surtout @ Semencerie Strasbourg (FR) With : PPaulus… Read…

  • Fete de la musique – 21 June 2022 @Perestroika (Strasbourg)

    Fete de la musique – 21 June 2022 @Perestroika (Strasbourg)

    Fete de la Musique – 21 June 2022 @ Perestroika (Strasbourg) With : Coloscope CrashServer Connexion Inauguration @ SHADOK 08 sept 2021 Inauguration Exposition FLOW – Connexions 08 sept 2021 Mimir 10ans… Read More Into The beast Into the beast – 360 experience Playing around with 360… Read More Tutorial : How to connect external…

  • JS Nation React Summit show – 17 June 2022 @Amsterdam (NL)

    JS Nation React Summit show – 17 June 2022 @Amsterdam (NL)

    React Summit Show – 18 June 2022 @ Amsterdam (NL) js nation js nation Europa video sources Europa video sources Hi there, I don’t know if you’ve… Read More march 2022 – a Monthly report ! MARCH 2022 – Monthly report ! Endl; while :live ||… Read More Back To the stream Video BACKTOTHESTREAM VIDEO…