Tag: hub

  • From our HUB 1.0 to the next phase, imagining our 3d world

    From our HUB 1.0 to the next phase, imagining our 3d world

    Introducing our future worlds (1/?) Welcome ! This is the first article exposing our views and experiences about creating virtual worlds. This page and an unknown number of other pages to follow will try to expose our approach, past, present and future to the creation of our universe.  1. From 0 to hubs You might know…

  • Algorave and workshop @Tübingen (Germany) – 23 july 2022

    Algorave and workshop @Tübingen (Germany) – 23 july 2022

    Algorave and Workshop @Tübingen – 23 July 2022 We had the pleasure of being invited by the [Ki Makerspace] of Tübingen to animate a workshop on musical livecoding during the day and to play in the evening at the Algorave party. Let’s hop once again in the a Deutsche Bahn’s train on a hot summer…



    MAY / JUIN REPORT Golden diamonds are forever : june was an intense sessions of coding of our new “os”. more on that bellow. Otherwise we did some gigs, at the the [Mediathèque in Vendenheim]  and at the Diamant d’or and a nice streaming session with Kitty Clock & My Machine Pal for our one…

  • REISUB anniversay featuring KITTY CLOCK & MY PAL MACHINE

    REISUB anniversay featuring KITTY CLOCK & MY PAL MACHINE

    ONE YEAR REISUB ANNIVERSARY STREAMING One year since the release of [REISUB]. An experimental first album we are ready to celebrate with our FoxDot Friends, stream this Saturday night with good, dare i say exceptional live coding friends. It’s all happening live in our Hub & youtube at 19:00 GTM+1 Featuring : — My machine…

  • Expo room now online

    Expo room now online

    Crash Server Expo room Our new expo hub room is now available, still in a wip state,but you can already find some of our procedural work done on fxhash.xyz [https://www.fxhash.xyz/u/CrashServer/collection]. The hub is connected to our other room so feel free to wander around 🙂 Link to the room : [https://hubs.mozilla.com/K72x4qi/crash-server-expo-room] Other ressources concerning our…

  • Hub map

    Hub map

    New map for our Hubs As our virtual world grows using [Mozilla hub’s] technology, the need for a simple map to navigate our universe increased. The newly added [back2thestream] hub and our upcoming expo room are added ! Head to our dedicated [hub page] for more info. The map here under show the “official” connexions…