Algorave 10th birthday

Hoozay ! Algorave is partying hard for its 10th birthday ! Celebrating all its diversity, showing all the branches of live coding, featuring many languages, forks, interpretations with talents from all over the world.
Thanks to them for setting this event up, the opportunity to discover new names and see what our already known friends are up to. We’ll be celebrating the numerous following up years with them 🙂 ! 
>> all the info is available on their website []

Our video is now avalaible on the youtube, link and video here under.

We also invite you to watch our alternate recording, raw, less refined lets say or more radical (whatever suits you) on our PeerTube channel. []. It’s quite brutal but thats how we love it 🙂 It does feature our new UI, made for simple setups as described in our tutorial []
alograve tneth birthday stream