Release date : 07th of may 2021

Composing music only using lines of computer code. Strasbourg-based live coding duo CRASH SERVER meets the challenge with their first album REISUB.


Press private audio link (SoundCloud)

Crash Server · REISUB


The album is entirely composed using “live coding“, a technique that allows for creation and real time edition of a running program.

// Crash Server transforms machine code into music.

“REISUB” wanders into electro, noise, glitch and ambient music and sometimes deep into IDM territories. Crash Server is at the crossroads of many different influences such as post-punk, rock and classical music. It merges digital and analog, algorithmic and organic, chaotic and structured without any compromises.

The album is live coded, not composed, nor edited. The ideas, the feelings were thought through, the expression, spontaneous. We wanted it to be an accurate description of what live coding is with our own added personal flavour. Adapting, improvising, experimenting.

This album questions our link to the digital world, our evolution as a technological species, asks transhumanism-relation questions and analyses our relationship to data privacy and our addiction to technology.

REISUB narrates Crash Server’s fight against an alienating server.


// In computer language, “REISUB” is a key combination that allows to reset and restart a server or a machine //

At a time when information technologies have taken control of our lives only a radical change of setup seems possible.

In order to reach their goal, CRASH SERVER is going to overload an audio server using all the weapons they can get their hands on. Code injections, computer viruses and offensive algorithms. The server is our target. Music and code are our weapons.

We adhere to open-source philosophy, free software and we publish the code of our found techniques.

Each track has its own universe, its visual identity that explores a specific theme. You will be traveling with us through a derelict city, exploring digital isolation, scouting space colonization, rediscovering old viruses and questioning the use of our private data.


Crash Server is a live coding duo, formed in late 2018 in Strasbourg (France). Crash Server is
SVDK (VJ, live coder, audio/video experimenter, brings chaos into structure) and ZBDM (do-it-yourselfer, programmer, brings structure into chaos).

During their live performance the public can follow the composition’s evolution projected into the venue (see pictures here under)

Crash Server can also be found in their natural habitat, a virtual 3d word (Hubs) tailor-made where they perform live and where you can see their lore and universe. They explore different techniques, coding on shared screens, effect pedals, no-inputs, scanners, photogrammetry, 3d modeling, neural networks, open-data.

Enjoy the music and watch out for the CRASH !

molodoi mimir 10ans livecoding crashserver

Crashserver livecoding Stride

Crashserver kinect

Some live and streaming videos

Crash Server presentation by SupraHead Studio

Streaming concert for the Concert streaming for the center for contemporary art – DOX in Pragues

Concert for the Endless Streaming Festival.

Audio links

Soundcloud (private link until 07th of may 2021)
Bandcamp (preorder, main platform)
– Streaming sites (Spotify, Deezer, Apple, …) starting 07th of may 2021.

More info

– Our previous video clips, live-streamings/concerts, various video experiments.
– Inside our album REISUB, visuals and videos for a deeper view into our universe
– The HUBS, presentation and access of our 3d universe.

Social Networks & contacts

[YouTube] [Facebook] [Instagram] [Twitter]

Contact Mail, Sébastien ADAM & Sébastien VAN DER KWAST :


Album Cover (3000×3000)

CrashServer - Code Black&White
CrashServer Code (2560 x 1700)

CrashServer - ZBDM & SVDK
ZBDM & SVDK (2560 x1700)

>> Download a zip file containing all pictures, high res (10Mo)