REISUB – CONNEXION [01] – music video


[Data # 001: Connection]

Surveying network communication from their headquarters, the Crash Server’s came across a dangerous unknown virus with unforseen consequences.

[REISUB’s] “Connexion” music video & artworks we published is based on a generated mesh using a lot of data, mashed up together in a abstract form.

It uses data, among other sources, from [the internet map] to generate all the root points of generated meshed. The idea is to show the overwhelming intensity of internet activity in a way that is not informative but rather crazed and subjective. This complex and abstract shape ressembles in some way a biological virus which was the objective.

As [REISUB] is concerned, it’s the starting point, the trigger, the attack we had to suffer through from an unknown force, terrible and powerful from a place in time and space we yet had to determine. A place that might be related to 21st century earth…